

You need to use a desktop chromium browser like Chrome or Edge. Other browsers may not work, including mobile browsers, even if the card looks fine on the web page.

If you loaded this file from a webserver on a supported browser, go here. It should just work without any additional steps.

What is this?

It's a tool for creating custom Marvel Champions cards in your web browser!

It's meant to be "good enough" especially for custom card creators, printing errata, and making alternate art.

It will not make perfect copies of cards, nor will it ever. That's not the goal. The goal is good enough. Don't ask for perfect. taps "good enough"

Known issues

I know about these. Please don't nag me about fixing them.

I found a bug

So you encountered a problem? First, check if it's in the Known Issues list.

If it isn't, contact me at Landstander on the MC Custom Content discord:

I won't promise that everything will get fixed, but I will definitely take a look. I'll ignore issues like "This is one pixel off". I already know it's not perfect. taps "good enough"

Special symbols and fonts b

Most of the time, it will automatically use the right fonts for the right sections. Sometimes, you may want to use fonts in other places like writing TRAITS in the rules text.

There are also special characters you may want to use like u or - or p .

When you click on a field to edit it, a set of buttons will open up beneath it. Click on the special character buttons, and that character will be added at your cursor position.

To change the font style of text to italics, bold, or Traits, highlight that text, then click the style button.

You can also add special symbols and fonts via HTML tags. Just paste the code below in the input field.

Boost iconb<code>b</code>
Consequential damaged<code>d</code>
Amplify boostf<code>f</code>
Per playerg<code>g</code>
Boost stars<code>s</code>
Per playerv<code>v</code>
Cost arrow-<code>-</code>
Long dash&mdash;
Rules line breakline 1
line 2
Rules horizontal line
Font exampleCode
Bold action text<b>Action</b>
Rules flavor text<i>Flavor</i>

How do I add additional text and symbol formatting to card text?

Just use HTML! All the text fields accept any valid HTML.

For example, paste the code below into the Rules box to add a big, centered acceleration icon.

<div style="line-height:300px;text-align:center;font-size:300px"><code>a</code></div>

Or add a unique icon to an ally name in the Title field:

<code>u</code>Nova Prime

Take a look at the examples in this document. Just load the JSON file with the Load button.

Background photo info

The ideal background photo size is 1500px wide by 2150px high. If your photo is a different size, you can use the zoom and position tools to nudge it into the right place.

If you want the photo to sit on top of the title bar (like many Hero and Alter-ego cards do), you need to upload two photos: one photo that sits in the background of the card content (Photo Behind in the interface) and one photo that sits in front of the card content with lots of transparency so that the background shows through (Photo Front in the interface). Make sure the photos are the same size or you will have a bad time aligning them.

Headshots for the corner (for identity specific cards) need to be exactly 240x240px. You can toggle it appearing with the Show Corner Headshot option. No I will not add a feature to zoom or reposition them. There is some glitchy stuff that has to happen to headshots, and it's simpler to force you to make headshots exactly 240x240 than to fix it.

More examples

Below are example files of different types of Marvel Champions cards to try out the creator tool.

Save the .json to your desktop, hit the Load button in the creator, and pick that .json file when prompted.

Card type Card name Notes
Ally Dogpool This has a big acceleration icon in the middle.
Alter-ego Jennifer Walters  
Attachment Advanced Glider Has lots of icons in it
Attachment Red Skull's Luger Uses the star in the atk
Support The Doomsday Chair With the correct M.O.D.O.K. spelling!
Side scheme Superhuman Law Division  
Event Call for Aid  
Side scheme Pile It On!  
Obligation Worried Father  
Main scheme B The Rise of Red Skull  
Main scheme A The Rise of Red Skull  
Identity Nightcrawler  
Villain Red Skull  

How can I contribute?

Tell your friends! Marvel Champions is a great game, and custom content makes it even more fun.

You can also contribute code changes to fix problems you find. Check the Known Issues to see if there's something you can help with.


Thank you for trying this out! I hope it helps you make some awesome Marvel Champions cards.

Thank you to Hitch and the other people who worked on the tools and templates for Marvel Champions custom cards. I would not have been able to do this without their previous work.