Marvel Champions card creator by Landstander

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Update - 2025 Jan

  • Fixed an issue where player side scheme boost stars didn't appear correctly when downloading

This is a tool to make custom cards for Marvel Chamnpions LCG. Choose an example in the selector below, then click Load to see how to make different types of cards. Hit the Download image button to save it as a .png when you're done making your card.

If you need help, check the help file first.. If that doesn't work, or if you find bugs, have questions, create awesome cards, or have feedack, find me on the Marvel Champions Custom Content discord in the #Landstander channel. Thanks!

See previous updates

Card PreviewZoom:
uKamala Khan
Teen SpiritAction: Discard cards from the top of your deck until you discard a Ms. Marvel card, then add that card to your hand. (Limit once per round.)
"I want to be beautiful and awesome and butt-kicking and less complicated"
Copyright something something
hand size 6 / hit points 10